17,TDI City near Golden Gate Global School,Ram ganga Vihar,MDA,Moradabad
Ashi agarwal +919927027330

Product Details

x-ray cassettes

X-ray imaging leaders around the world trust Kiran cassettes for their superior image clarity and minimum patient dose. Durable, reliable, and accompanied with some of the world’s best after-sales service, our cassettes meet and surpass international quality standardsX-ray imaging leaders around the world trust Kiran cassettes for their superior image clarity and minimum patient dose. Durable, reliable, and accompanied with some of the world’s best after-sales service, our cassettes meet and surpass international quality standards

X-ray imaging leaders around the world trust Kiran cassettes for their superior image clarity and minimum patient dose. Durable, reliable, and accompanied with some of the world’s best after-sales service, our cassettes meet and surpass international quality standards.

You may also purchase the cassettes alone, without a factory-fitted screen.

Kiran cassettes provide perfect film screen contact as a result of nitrogen-imploded open cell P.U. foam system, a curved back door profile, and textured screen surface.

Kiran cassettes are also available as replacement products in two versions with and without a window.

Irrelevant to size, Kiran cassettes are perfectly weight optimized to be lightweight yet tough, with locks and hinges of unbreakable German Desmopan polymer.

All Kiran cassettes comply with the council directive 93 / 42 / EEC and follow the CE 4090 guidelines.



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